23rd March 2024

Winton Guest House Part 4

Solution Agenda

This is part 4/4 of the Winton Guest House solution guide. I have completed the model but the script is extremely messy and needs some cleaning. I am going to show you the general approach to how I do that.

Let's get started.


I'll start by first taking a look at the overall state of the script.

Since this model is made of different buildings, I'll separate out the script by the buildings. I'll "pull apart" the obvious lumps of components that make up the different buildings.

Then for each building, I'll apply the principles that I wrote about in [[Scripting Best Practices]]. It takes some time to clean this and for the most part is pretty repetitive, but here are the cleaned portions of the script.

The Fireplace

The Living Room

Bedroom 01

The Garage/Kitchen

The Loft

Bedroom 02

Final Thoughts

There is not much to talk about when it comes to cleaning and organizing scripts but it's an important step to do.

Link to part 4 and the final script here.
